New Here?
We know you have questions. Hopefully, we can answer them right here.

What does a worship service look like?

Our services are uplifting and filled with a spirit of worship. During our music service, you’ll sing everything from the most current worship songs to the tried and true gospel hymns. With a verse by verse method, Bro. Jack teaches timely relevant messages from the Bible.

What about the kids on Sunday mornings? 

We have a nursery for ages 0 to 2 years old and Kids Church for ages 3 through 5th grade. (For more information head on over to the Kids Ministry page.)

Where do I go when I get there?

Just come through the front doors and our church family will be happy to help you.

What should I wear?

Clothes. No really, just clothes. We wear anything from blue jeans to slacks to casual dresses. (Just an FYI, we have been known to keep the AC on the cool side.)